How to Fix Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80040119?

Updated on November 11, 2021

Is unknown Outlook error frustrating you? Are you unable to access your PST files due to the error? Stop worrying and start fixing your damaged Outlook PST files with Remo PST Repair. A simple yet phenomenal Outlook PST Repair Tool.

Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80040119 or also known as “Sending or Receiving An Unknown Error 0x80040119” is the most common error faced by Outlook users across the globe. The Outlook error 0x80040119 occurs when you try to send or receive an email from a particular email address.

In most cases, the issue occurs when users have configured the Outlook account with IMAP settings. To check which account your Outlook is configured with, Open the File tab and go to Account settings and click on Account Settings and check the configuration.

After I upgraded to the new computer, I started having problems sending emails, Sending and Receiving errors 0x80040119 using Office 2013 32-bit with Exchange (2010?). The OS is Windows 7 x64. If I start browsing to my old workstation which includes a similar office/OS. I don't have any issues with Outlook. I attempted repairing, installing and reinstalling it. It worked for half of the day, then stopped again. I actually have two Exchange accounts configured within the mail profile. Please help me resolve this issue.

If you’re also stuck with this sending or receiving error and trying to fix the error code 0x80040119, then you are at the right place. Read through the write-up to learn how to fix the Outlook error. Here you will get to know the reasons, challenges, and quick solutions to resolve the troublesome Outlook Error 0x80040119.

Without further ado let’s understand the reasons why you get a particular error status “An Unknown Error occurred. 0x80040119''.

Reasons for Outlook Error 0x80040119:

To comprehend the reasons behind the Unknown Outlook Error can be overwhelming. There might be many causes that trigger the error code 0x80040119, the most common ones are listed below.

  • An oversized PST file.
  • The Outlook data file is corrupt or damaged.
  • Virus attack on Windows system files.
  • Might be a configuration issue with the Mail Server.

Consequences of the Outlook Error 0x80040119:

You may end up facing major issues with your windows system when you get this error. The below listed are such issues related to Outlook error 0x8004019.

  • You may not be able to access Mailbox items.
  • As the Send/Receive process will not work, you can’t send or receive any emails on Outlook until the error is fixed.
  • Your Window might crash or freeze suddenly without any signs.

Further, after stating the reasons and repercussions let us now talk about the manual ways you can use to fix the error in no time for all the versions of Outlook starting from 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 as well as 2019.

Fix Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80040119 :

Scan Your Computer For Virus:

Virus attack or malware infection is one of the most common reasons for Outlook not working and throwing up the error 0x80040119. Make sure your computer is always protected by trusted antivirus software. If you are already having one on your computer, scan your computer for viruses and see if this fixes Outlook error 0x80040119.

Tip: Keep checking the Outlook application for any common Outlook errors and methods to solve them, to keep Outlook working efficiently without any breakdown.

Fix Registry Entries:

Try this method, only when you are familiar with registry settings. Since making any improper changes to the registry can result in serious damage, it is recommended not to use this method if you are not comfortable with troubleshooting. If you still wish to repair registry entries, take a backup of the current state of the Windows registry before moving to repair them to fix Outlook error 0x80040119.

Update Device Drivers:

The next recommended step towards fixing Outlook error 0x80040119 is to update the device drivers of your computer. Keeping your computer drivers up to date can keep you away from facing this kind of Outlook error. Try updating device drivers and see if you have fixed Outlook error 0x80040119. If you are still facing the issue, then move on to the next method.

Reinstall Outlook:

If you failed to fix Outlook error 0x80040119 with any of the above methods then you should consider reinstalling Outlook. Uninstalling and reinstalling your Outlook is one way to fix this Outlook error. This method can make you lose all your Outlook data, to avoid data loss you can skip this method and move on to the next method.

Repair PST file:

A corrupt or damaged PST file can be the culprit behind this Outlook error code 0x80040119. A possible solution to fix this Outlook issue is by repairing a corrupt PST file. To repair corrupt or damaged PST files you can use an Inbuilt Inbox Repair tool called Scanpst.exe. Let’s dig in more to Fix Outlook error 0x80040119 using Scanpst.exe to repair the PST file.

Note: Scanpst.exe is proven to repair files with minor corruption. However, if the files are severely corrupted they cannot be repaired using this tool. Also, there is no guarantee of the safety of data.

Follow the steps below to repair the PST file using Scanpst.exe:

Go to the Inbox Repair Tool on the system and Open the Scanpst.exe tool.

  • Browse to locate the PST file.
  • Then click on the Start button.
  • This will start the scanning process.
  • After some time the PST file will be scanned successfully.
  • Then click on the Repair button to repair the file.

This will fix the error code 0x80040119, keep in mind that this process won’t work for large PST files or severely corrupted PST files. Hopefully, you were able to repair the PST file using the solutions above.

Drawbacks of Manual methods:

Although manual, above methods might have worked just fine for you but certain drawbacks come with them that are listed below:

  • As discussed above, to fix registry entries you need to be well versed with the settings, if not there is a high probability that it might damage the Outlook data files.
  • Reinstalling Outlook will lead to data loss if there is no backup created.
  • Using Scanpst.exe can be tedious and exhaustive as finding the location of the file can be quite tricky. Moreover, the tool works on the original copy of the PST files, thus it is not safe to repair them with Inbox Repair Tool without any backup. There are high chances of data loss and severe corruption if file sizes are large.

If you’re worried about whether to use manual methods or in doubt of data safety and don’t know what methods to use, don’t panic. Use a trustworthy professional and automated tool; Remo Repair Outlook PST. It is built with powerful algorithms to effortlessly Repair PST files with severe corruption in a few simple clicks.

Remo Repair PST tool is one tool designed to repair severely corrupt or damaged PST files. Its read-only mechanism is deliberately designed to cause no harm to the original PST file to avoid data loss. Using this tool you can not only Repair the severely corrupt or orphaned or even inaccessible files but also restore all the data items on the files such as emails, notes, calendars, reminders, etc. You can easily repair files in just three easy clicks.

Fix Microsoft Outlook Error 0x80040119 using Remo Repair Outlook PST tool

Follow the steps below to repair Outlook files easily and fix error code 0x80040119:

1) Launch the software and you’ll have three following options:

  1. Open Default PST File: Choose this option if you don’t have multiple PST files. The software selects the default PST file.
  2. Select PST Manually: With this option you can manually select the PST file that you want to repair.
  3. Find all your PST File: Trouble finding your PST file? Don’t worry with this option finding your PST file is no brainer.

After choosing any of the above option the software will list your PST file you can choose the one you want to repair and move on to the next step.

2) In this screen you will have two options Normal scan and Smart Scan choose them according to your need as mentioned below:

  1. Normal Scan: Use this when your level of corruption is low and your Outlook is not opening due to soft errors.
  2. Smart Scan: In contrast to Normal scan you can use this to when the level of corruption or damage done to your PST file is high. Use this if you have deleted contacts, emails and other Outlook data.

3) Once done with choosing the option, select the destination where you would want to save the PST file after repairing it to fix Outlook error 0x80040119.

4) Click on Repair button to start the repair process. Preview the repaired PST file and PST data to see your emails, contacts, notes etc before you import them.

Note: To extract emails, notes, contact, addresses, rules in Outlook with all other attributes and data intact Remo Repair Outlook PST is the quick fix.

Then at last click on the Repair button and start the repair process. After this you can preview the repaired file, if you’re satisfied with the result then download the file and import the PST file into the Outlook Application.


The above solutions provided in the article have certainly helped you resolve the Microsoft Outlook Unknown Error 0x80040119 efficiently. In this article, we have covered all the possible reasons for the Outlook error code 0x8040119 and its consequences starting from the manual ways to repair it to using the Remo Repair Outlook PST tool. Let us know which method has helped you fix the issue in the comment section below.


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