How to quickly fix corrupt ZIP files using Remo Zip Repair Tool

Remo Repair RAR software is an extremely easy to use Zip file repair tool to repair corrupt / damaged Zip files. The software can repair Zip and Zipx archive files. Here is a Video tutorial to fix your damaged Winzip files.

Video Transcript

Hi there, let me show you how to repair a corrupt zip file.

When you open a zip file, you might get this error or a similar one, confirming that your zip file got corrupted

Let us see how to repair this corrupt zip file using Remo Repair Zip software

Launch the software

If you have a single corrupt zip file, you can choose "Browse File Zip or Zipx" option

OR if you have multiple parts of split zip file you can choose "Browse Folder with split file parts" option

Since this is a single corrupt zip file without any split parts I will select "Browse files" option and select the corrupt file

Now click on "Repair" button

Once the repair process completes, you could preview the list of files that are inside the repaired zip file

Click "Next" and click on "Browse" button to select a location for saving the repaired Zip file

Once you choose the location for saving the repaired file, click on "Save" button

A confirmation message pops up after successful saving, click OK to open the saved file location

This is the repaired zip file. Now you could extract the files

The data inside the zip file is extracted successfully!

Thanks for watching!

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